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Tech Insights 11 min read

Choosing Gestisoft as Your Premier ERP Consulting Firm

Choosing the right ERP consulting firm is crucial for seamless business transformation. Founded in 1997, Gestisoft has established itself as a pivotal player in the Microsoft Dynamics ecosystem. As a mid-sized partner with a dedicated team of over 100 employees, we specialize in implementing ERP and CRM solutions that are tailored to the unique needs of each business we serve.

Why Choose Gestisoft for Your ERP Needs?

When you select Gestisoft as your ERP consulting firm, you're choosing a partner that understands both the technology and your business needs and goals. Our mission is to empower businesses through our deep expertise in Microsoft Dynamics 365, delivering customized solutions that drive efficiency, enhance user experience, and support long-term growth. This article will delve into why choosing the right ERP consulting firm is essential and how Gestisoft stands out as your ideal partner for ERP implementation and support.

Ready to Transform Your Business with Gestisoft, Your Canadian ERP Consulting Firm?

Connect with us today to discover how our Dynamics 365 solutions can revolutionize your business processes and drive significant improvements in efficiency and customer engagement.

Our team across Canada is ready to tailor a solution that aligns perfectly with your business needs.

Contact Information

  • Montréal (Headquarters):
    • Address: 87 Prince Street, Suite 401, Montréal, QC H3C 2M7
    • Phone: (514) 399-9999
    • Email:
Our Headquarters in Montreal - 87 Prince Street
Our Headquarters in Montreal - 87 Prince Street

  • Toronto Office:
    • Address: 229 Yonge Street, Suite 400, Toronto, ON M5B 1N9
    • Phone: (647) 370-8729
    • Email:
  • Ottawa Office:
    • Address: 116 Albert Street, Suite 300, Ottawa, ON K1P 5G3
    • Phone: (613) 777-4907
    • Email:
  • Quebec City Office:
    • Address: 1020 Bouvier Street, Quebec City, QC G2K 0K9
    • Phone: (581) 205-8756
    • Email:

Take the first step towards leveraging the power of Dynamics 365 with a partner that is committed to your success.

The Importance of Choosing the Right ERP Consulting Firm

Understanding Your Needs

Choosing the right ERP consulting firm is not just about technical expertise; it's about finding a partner who truly understands your business. At Gestisoft, we take the time to get to know your company’s unique needs and challenges. We believe that a deep understanding of your business processes and goals is essential to designing and implementing an ERP solution that will drive real value.

Our approach begins with a comprehensive discovery phase, where we engage with key stakeholders in your organization to identify pain points, inefficiencies, and opportunities for improvement. We don't believe in one-size-fits-all solutions; instead, we tailor our ERP implementations to align perfectly with your strategic objectives. This ensures that the technology we implement supports your business in achieving its goals, whether that's improving operational efficiency, enhancing customer satisfaction, or driving revenue growth.

In addition to understanding your current needs, we also consider your future vision. Our team works closely with you to develop a roadmap that not only addresses immediate challenges but also positions your business for long-term success. This forward-thinking approach allows us to design ERP solutions that are scalable and adaptable, ensuring they can grow and evolve with your business.

Long-term Partnership

An ERP implementation is not a one-time project; it's an ongoing journey. The right ERP consulting firm will be there to support you long after the initial implementation. Gestisoft prides itself on building long-term partnerships with our clients. We offer continuous support and services to ensure that your ERP system evolves with your business and continues to meet your needs as they change over time.

Our commitment to long-term partnership means that we don't just disappear after the go-live date. To ensure your ERP system remains efficient and effective, we offer our Customer Success Plan. This plan includes extensive post-implementation support, regular system health checks, updates, and optimizations. With the Customer Success Plan, our support team is always available to address any issues or concerns that may arise, providing you with peace of mind that your business operations will run smoothly.

Furthermore, we understand that the business environment is dynamic, with new challenges and opportunities emerging constantly. That's why we stay proactive in identifying ways to enhance your ERP system. Whether it's integrating new technologies, adding functionality, or optimizing existing processes, we are dedicated to helping you get the most out of your investment.

In summary, choosing the right ERP consulting firm like Gestisoft means selecting a partner who is committed to your success from day one and throughout your entire ERP journey. Our focus on understanding your needs and building long-term partnerships sets us apart and ensures that your ERP system is a valuable asset to your business.

Why Gestisoft Stands Out

Expertise in Microsoft Dynamics 365

At Gestisoft, our deep expertise in Microsoft Dynamics 365 sets us apart as a premier ERP consulting firm. We understand that each business has unique needs, and our team of experts is skilled at tailoring ERP solutions to fit those specific requirements. Our extensive experience with Microsoft Dynamics 365 ensures that we can provide robust, scalable, and efficient solutions for a wide range of industries.

Expertise in ERP

Comprehensive Financial Management

Gestisoft’s ERP solutions for financial management provide robust tools to enhance financial operations. These include real-time financial reporting, budget management, and compliance tracking. Our systems are designed to ensure financial transparency and operational efficiency, enabling businesses to maintain robust financial health.

Example: A mid-sized manufacturing company uses our financial management ERP system to achieve real-time financial reporting, which allows for better budget management and ensures compliance with industry standards.

Advanced Distribution and Logistics

Our ERP solutions for distribution and logistics are tailored to optimize supply chain operations. Key features include advanced inventory management, order processing, and supply chain optimization. These tools help streamline operations, reduce errors, and improve overall efficiency.

Example: A national wholesale distributor leverages our ERP system to streamline their inventory management and order processing, resulting in more efficient supply chain operations.

Robust Manufacturing Solutions

Gestisoft provides ERP systems designed specifically for manufacturing processes. These include features for production planning, shop floor control, and quality management. Our solutions aim to enhance productivity, ensure product quality, and optimize manufacturing workflows.

Example: A large electronics manufacturer uses our ERP system to improve production planning and shop floor control, leading to higher productivity and better product quality.

Custom ETO ERP Solutions

For businesses with custom manufacturing needs, our Engineer-to-Order (ETO) ERP solutions offer comprehensive project management, cost estimation, and engineering change management. These features help manage complex projects efficiently and ensure that custom orders are fulfilled accurately and on time.

Example: A custom furniture manufacturer uses our ETO ERP solution to handle bespoke projects with detailed project management and cost estimation, improving project timelines and cost management.

Specialized TRIMIT for Fashion and Apparel

In the fashion and apparel industry, our TRIMIT solutions integrate product lifecycle management, supply chain coordination, and sales order processing. These specialized ERP systems are designed to handle the unique demands of the fashion industry, ensuring that your business stays competitive and efficient.

Example: A fashion retailer employs our TRIMIT ERP system to enhance their product lifecycle management and supply chain coordination, resulting in more efficient operations and better alignment of inventory with customer demand.

Client-Centric Solutions

We pride ourselves on our client-centric approach. Our solutions are designed to be flexible and adaptive, meeting the distinct needs of every client we serve. This means we take the time to understand your business processes, challenges, and goals, and then customize our ERP implementations to align perfectly with your strategic objectives. This client-first philosophy is at the heart of everything we do.

Seamless Implementation

A smooth and seamless implementation process is critical for the success of any ERP project. At Gestisoft, we use a proven methodology that minimizes disruptions and ensures a quick, efficient rollout of your ERP system. Our team works closely with you every step of the way, from initial planning through to go-live, to ensure that the implementation is smooth and successful.

Bespoke Support

Our commitment to bespoke support sets us apart. We don't just provide a one-size-fits-all solution; we offer customized support services tailored to your specific needs. With our Customer Success plan, you gain access to extensive post-implementation support, including regular system health checks, updates, and optimizations to ensure your ERP system remains efficient and effective. Whether you require ongoing maintenance, system updates, or user training, Gestisoft is there to support you. Our goal is to ensure that you get the most out of your ERP system and that it continues to deliver value long after the initial implementation. Our support team is always available to address any issues or concerns that may arise, offering peace of mind that your business operations will run smoothly.

By focusing on these key areas of expertise, Gestisoft distinguishes itself as a leading ERP consulting firm that can meet the diverse needs of businesses across various industries. Our tailored solutions, seamless implementations, and comprehensive support make us the ideal partner for your ERP journey.

Case study

Discover how Bédard Ressources made its accounting more efficient with Business Central

The Gestisoft Approach and Values

Putting People First

At Gestisoft, we believe in a people-centric approach. This means prioritizing your team’s needs and challenges within our Dynamics 365 solutions. We design intuitive and tailored systems to enhance user experience and operational efficiency, ensuring they support your team’s daily activities seamlessly.

Listening to Understand

We don’t just implement solutions; we listen deeply to understand your business's needs and challenges. This thorough understanding allows us to tailor Dynamics 365 solutions that perfectly align with your strategic objectives, driving meaningful organizational changes.

Quick on Our Feet

The business landscape is fast-evolving, and our agile response ensures that your business keeps pace. Gestisoft is committed to rapid implementation and swift adaptation to changes, ensuring your Dynamics 365 solutions are always aligned with current market demands and future growth.

Owning Truth in Action

We operate with complete transparency and accountability. Gestisoft's commitment to honesty means you can expect clear communication and realistic project outlines. Our integrity in managing your Dynamics 365 implementation ensures you can trust us to deliver on our promises without hidden costs or surprises.

Playing the Infinite Game

Our goal is to ensure your long-term success. We see the implementation of Dynamics 365 not as a one-time project but as a stepping stone towards ongoing growth and continuous improvement. Gestisoft is your dynamic partner in sustained development, providing support and strategic insights that help you adapt and thrive indefinitely.

The Gestisoft Approach

Discovery Phase

Our approach begins with a comprehensive discovery phase, where we engage with key stakeholders in your organization to identify pain points, inefficiencies, and opportunities for improvement. We tailor our ERP implementations to align perfectly with your strategic objectives, ensuring that the technology we implement supports your business in achieving its goals.

Implementation Phase

A smooth and seamless implementation process is critical for the success of any ERP project. At Gestisoft, we use a proven methodology that minimizes disruptions and ensures a quick, efficient rollout of your ERP system. Our team works closely with you every step of the way, from initial planning through to go-live, to ensure that the implementation is smooth and successful.

Post-Implementation Support

Our commitment to long-term partnership means that we don't just disappear after the go-live date. We provide extensive post-implementation support, including regular system health checks, updates, and optimizations to ensure your ERP system remains efficient and effective. Our support team is always available to address any issues or concerns that may arise, offering peace of mind that your business operations will run smoothly.

Comprehensive Training Programs

We believe that the success of an ERP system depends significantly on the users' ability to utilize it effectively. Our long-term partnership approach includes comprehensive training programs for your team. Our training ensures that your staff is confident and competent in using the system, thereby maximizing productivity and minimizing disruptions.

By integrating these core values into our approach, Gestisoft ensures that each ERP implementation is not only technically sound but also aligned with the specific needs and values of our clients. This holistic approach is what sets us apart as a trusted ERP consulting firm dedicated to your success.

Key Benefits of Gestisoft’s ERP Consulting Services

Transformation with Confidence

At Gestisoft, we empower businesses to transform with confidence. Our deep expertise in Microsoft Dynamics 365 ensures that your ERP implementation is not only seamless but also impactful. By leveraging our industry knowledge and technical skills, we help you navigate the complexities of ERP systems, allowing you to focus on what matters most—growing your business.

Example: A healthcare organization wanted to streamline its operations and improve patient care. With the implementation of a comprehensive ERP system, they were able to integrate patient records, billing, and scheduling into a single platform, significantly enhancing operational efficiency and patient experience.

Cost Efficiency

Managing costs effectively is a priority for any business. Our ERP solutions are designed to provide significant cost savings by streamlining processes and improving operational efficiency. With features like real-time financial reporting, budget management, and supply chain optimization, our ERP systems help you reduce overhead costs and maximize your return on investment.

Example: A mid-sized manufacturing company faced high operational costs due to inefficiencies in their production process. By implementing an ERP system with real-time financial reporting and budget management, they were able to identify cost-saving opportunities and streamline their operations, resulting in substantial cost reductions.


One of the key advantages of Gestisoft’s ERP solutions is their scalability. As your business grows, our ERP systems can easily adapt to meet your evolving needs. Whether you are expanding into new markets, increasing your product lines, or adding new services, our ERP solutions provide the flexibility and scalability required to support your growth.

Example: A retail chain experienced rapid growth and needed an ERP system that could scale with their expansion. By adopting a scalable ERP solution, they were able to seamlessly integrate new stores and manage increased inventory levels, ensuring smooth operations during their growth phase.

Enhanced Decision Making

Our ERP systems provide comprehensive data analytics and reporting tools that give you real-time insights into your business operations. With access to accurate and up-to-date information, you can make informed decisions quickly and confidently. This enhanced decision-making capability is crucial for staying competitive in today’s fast-paced business environment.

Example: A logistics company required better visibility into their supply chain operations to make strategic decisions. With an ERP system that offered real-time data analytics and reporting, they gained valuable insights into their logistics processes, enabling them to optimize routes and reduce delivery times.

Improved Operational Efficiency

Efficiency is at the core of our ERP solutions. By automating routine tasks and integrating various business processes into a single system, we help you eliminate redundancies and improve workflow efficiency. This leads to faster turnaround times, improved productivity, and a smoother operation overall.

Example: A financial services firm struggled with manual data entry and fragmented processes. Implementing an ERP system allowed them to automate routine tasks and integrate their processes, resulting in improved productivity and faster service delivery to clients.

By focusing on these key benefits, Gestisoft ensures that our ERP consulting services provide tangible value to your business. Our goal is to help you achieve operational excellence, drive growth, and maintain a competitive edge in your industry. As a leading ERP consulting firm, we are committed to delivering solutions that meet your unique needs and support your long-term success.

As a customer since 2015, I would like to highlight the quality of support and expertise provided by Gestisoft for our Business Central application. Their competence is notable and has greatly contributed to the success of my business. I highly recommend them as a service provider for Business Central.
Kim Perron - Executive Manager

Ready to Transform Your Business with the right ERP Consulting Firm?

Choosing the right ERP consulting firm is essential for ensuring a successful and impactful ERP implementation. Gestisoft stands out with our deep expertise in Microsoft Dynamics 365, client-centric solutions, seamless implementation process, and comprehensive support. Our approach and values ensure that we deliver solutions that are not only technically sound but also aligned with your business needs and goals.

By focusing on key benefits like transformation with confidence, cost efficiency, scalability, enhanced decision making, improved operational efficiency, and robust security and compliance, we provide tangible value to your business. Additionally, our unique ERP system features cater to the specific needs of various industries, making us the ideal partner for your ERP journey.

As you consider your options, remember that Gestisoft is committed to your long-term success. We are dedicated to being your trusted partner in navigating the complexities of ERP systems and achieving your business objectives. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you transform your business with our customized ERP solutions.

Unlock Your Business Potential with Our ERP Consulting Firm

Reach out to us today for a consultation and discover how our customized ERP solutions can drive your business forward. Whether you need to improve operational efficiency, enhance financial management, optimize your supply chain, or streamline your manufacturing processes, Gestisoft has the expertise and solutions to meet your needs.

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May 16, 2024 by Arianne Pellerin Marketing Specialist

Driven by an unwavering obsession to optimize processes and revolutionize marketing with innovative ideas, I never stop searching for the perfect solution. My true passion lies in crafting dreamlike experiences by harnessing the full potential of web analytics and cutting-edge digital strategies. As a blog writer for Gestisoft, I bring this expertise to the forefront, focusing primarily on our ERP solutions.