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12 raisons de choisir Dynamics 365 Business Central comme logiciel ERP

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central s’impose sur le marché des logiciels ERP avec une force et une constance sans pareille. Mais quels sont les véritables avantages de cette solution informatique ? Comment un logiciel peut vous aider dans la gestion financière, la gestion de projet, la gestion des opérations, la création de rapports financiers, la gestion de la chaine d’approvisionnement et la gestion commerciale tout en restant simple, intuitif et agile? Si vous êtes propriétaire d’une PME, responsable des solutions TI dans une moyenne entreprise, ou tout simplement à la recherche du meilleur outil de gestion sur le marché, vous allez trouver ici 12 raisons de choisir Dynamics 365 Business Central comme votre prochain logiciel ERP.

Raison #1 - Dynamics 365 Business Central vous permet de contrôler et de réduire vos coûts

La première raison de choisir Dynamics 365 Business Central est sans aucun doute sa rentabilité. Ce logiciel ERP permet de réduire les coûts annuels reliés à vos besoins informatiques. Grâce à son système d’abonnement par usager et à la flexibilité des licences, vous pourrez économiser sur vos dépenses logicielles tout en restant à jour. Il s’agit d’une solution de gestion tout-en-un, accessible et simple. Vous n’avez pas besoin de logiciels de sécurité supplémentaires ni de serveurs externes et vous ne paierez pas pour des frais de gestion ou de maintenance obscurs.

Raison #2 - Dynamics 365 Business Central est tout simplement la meilleure interface pour gérer les rôles de chacun et les besoins de votre entreprise

Tout d’abord, lorsque vous ouvrez l’interface de Dynamics 365 Business Central, la présentation est reliée au rôle de chacun des acteurs de votre entreprise. Cette ergonomie permet à vos employés d’accéder rapidement à l’information dont ils ont besoin en temps réel. La simplicité d’utilisation du logiciel est un véritable gain de productivité, car le temps de formation des ressources humaines est réduit.

Raison #3 - Stimulez vos ventes et améliorez votre service à la clientèle grâce au logiciel ERP le plus puissant du marché

Il est évident que dans un marché hyper compétitif, beaucoup de concurrents se ressemblent. Pour augmenter vos ventes, une simple force de frappe ne suffit pas. Il faut vous démarquer par un service à la clientèle hors pair. Pour cela, vous avez besoin d’un outil qui vous aide à prioriser vos clients selon leur intérêt d’achat et à faire un suivi régulier de votre cycle de vente. Évitez les factures impayées, les soldes en suspens et même les mauvaises créances.

Raison #4 - Dynamics 365 Business Central est LA solution infonuagique pour vous aider à suivre votre budget et à respecter votre échéance

Étant donné que le contrôle du temps et de l’argent sont les deux piliers de votre réussite, il est important que vous ayez à portée de main un outil capable de vous donner des balises quantitatives et qualitatives. En centralisant toutes les informations au même endroit et en les partageant judicieusement avec les employés qui en ont besoin, vous gagnez en productivité et en profitabilité. Les données budgétaires, les échéanciers et le gestionnaire de tâches communiquent facilement dans un logiciel de gestion adapté à votre activité et toujours à jour grâce au Cloud. Tous ces outils se parlent dans une interface fluide et interactive.

Raison #5 - L’optimisation de la chaine d’approvisionnement est une raison majeure de vous procurer Dynamics 365 Business Central

Probablement que vous avez déjà traverser le syndrome du Back Order. Lorsque plusieurs articles viennent à manquer, la gestion des stocks peut être un irritant pour vous, vos collaborateurs, et surtout pour vos clients. Grâce à une vision d’ensemble de vos stocks, vous pourrez conserver un approvisionnement optimal tout en utilisant judicieusement l’espace disponible dans vos entrepôts. Conservez une chaine d’approvisionnement constante et robuste en offrant des alternatives d’achat et en améliorant la planification de votre production.

Raison #6 - Gérez votre entreprise où que vous soyez, grâce au logiciel ERP le plus efficace de sa génération

Il va sans dire que le nomadisme est devenu la norme. Pour répondre aux impératifs de la mondialisation et aux besoins de flexibilité de votre équipe, vous avez besoin d’une solution logicielle adaptée à la liberté de mouvement. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central est accessible depuis le Cloud ou sur site pour faciliter les déplacements et la répartition géographique de votre équipe. Peu importe l’appareil utilisé par vos employés ou l’endroit de leur connexion: ils ont accès aux mêmes outils que s’ils étaient assis dans vos bureaux.

Raison #7 - Dynamics 365 Business Central répond à vos besoins… selon vos besoins !

En effet, le logiciel de gestion de Microsoft grandit en même temps que votre entreprise. Au fur et à mesure de la croissance de vos activités, vous pouvez ajouter les extensions et les applications dont vous avez besoin. Cette solution évolutive suit l’évolution de votre plan d’affaires et la courbe d’apprentissage de vos ressources humaines. Le logiciel ERP s’adapte à vos activités, à la taille de votre équipe pour vous soutenir dans ce qui compte vraiment : le développement et la croissance de vos affaires.

Raison #8 - La sécurité avant tout grâce à Dynamics 365 Business Central

En tant qu’employeur, vous devez offrir un espace de travail sécuritaire et épuré à vos employés. Somme toute, c’est la même chose avec un logiciel ERP. En réfléchissant à l’organisation humaine de votre équipe et aux responsabilités de chacun, vous pourrez mettre en place des rôles de sécurité pour garantir la sécurité de vos informations et celles de vos clients. De plus, en utilisant un ERP, vous pourrez assurer la conformité au RGPD maintenant rendue obligatoire dans plusieurs pays.

Raison #9 - Dynamics 365 Business Central est toujours à la page

Effectivement, grâce aux mises à jour automatiques et au développement en extensions, votre logiciel ERP sera toujours d’actualité. Peu importe le niveau de personnalisation de vos extensions, Microsoft fait des mises à jour pour tous, rapidement et de façon transparente. Le principe est simple : la mise à jour doit vous permettre d’accélérer votre croissance, pas de ralentir votre productivité.

Raison #10 - Accédez facilement aux scénarios d’Insight dans le Cloud de votre logiciel ERP

En ce qui a trait au Machine Learning, l’apprentissage automatique, Dynamics 365 Business Central vous donne un avantage concurrentiel incomparable. Que diriez-vous d’une intelligence artificielle capable de vous soumettre des idées de promotion ponctuelle en fonction de vos stocks, de prévisions financières reliées à vos indicateurs de performance? C’est ce que peut faire Cloud Insight lorsqu’il est relié à la licence Power BI. Cette combinaison vous permet de générer facilement des scénarios de vente et de créer de la valeur ajoutée à toutes vos nouvelles transactions.

Raison #11 - Le logiciel ERP qui propose la meilleure intégration native sur le marché

Il semblerait que ce qui fait la force de notre solution logicielle, c’est l’intégration native de toutes les applications. Chaque outil que vous allez utiliser collabore de manière intuitive avec les autres. C’est comme si tous vos employés maîtrisaient les principes de collaboration et d’entre-aide à la perfection. Pour atteindre l’équipe agile dont vous rêvez, vous avez l’outil parfait entre les mains.

Raison #12 - Un monde infini d’applications partenaires de Dynamics 365 Business Central

Finalement, grâce au portail Azure, Microsoft met à la portée de ses utilisateurs une source intarissable d’applications partenaires. Tous les développeurs du monde entier peuvent participer à l’une des plus grandes plateformes collaboratives de solutions informatiques. Il est presque impossible de ne pas trouver un produit développé spécialement pour répondre à votre situation d’entrepreneur.

Avec la solution de Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, vous aurez donc le contrôle sur tous les aspects de la gestion de votre entreprise. En confiant l’implantation de votre logiciel ERP à Gestisoft, vous bénéficiez des conseils de nos experts ERP et CRM pour vous aider à évaluer les solutions en fonction de vos besoins et de votre profil d’affaires. Contactez-nous pour connaitre tous nos avantages et nos services mis à la disposition de votre réussite.

The evolving business landscape and the role of ERP

In today’s rapidly changing business landscape, having a comprehensive and adaptable ERP solution is crucial for success. Microsoft Dynamics ERP helps manage and streamline business processes, enabling organizations to operate efficiently. This is where Microsoft Dynamics ERP truly shines. As your business navigates through various challenges and opportunities, having ERP software that can seamlessly evolve with your needs is a game-changer. Business Central offers the flexibility and scalability required to accommodate growth, innovation, and industry shifts. Microsoft Dynamics’ cloud-based architecture ensures that you always have access to the latest updates and features, empowering your organization with cutting-edge capabilities. Microsoft Dynamics ERP helps you run your business better. It can help you make things easier, improve your supply chain, or make customer interactions better. It can help you grow and be ready for the future.

Here are 12 compelling reasons to choose Microsoft Dynamics ERP as your next ERP software:

1) Microsoft Dynamics 365 ERP helps control and reduce costs

One of the most compelling reasons to choose Microsoft Dynamics ERP is its undeniable return on investment (ROI). These ERP solutions, known for their specialized services and expertise, help businesses leverage customer data for smarter decision-making and foster growth through advanced integration and user-friendly interfaces. This ERP software is designed to reduce your annual IT costs significantly. With its user subscription model and flexible licensing options, you can save on software costs while staying up to date with the latest technological advancements. Microsoft Dynamics ERP is an accessible, turnkey management solution that doesn’t require additional security software or external servers. Moreover, you’ll never need to worry about the hidden fees associated with software management and maintenance. Savings on infrastructure can be a big deal. This can let businesses spend their resources more carefully, investing in areas that help them grow and innovate.

2) Microsoft Dynamics 365 ERP simplifies role definition

When you open the ERP system, Microsoft Dynamics ERPl, you’re greeted with an interface that immediately showcases every company player and their crucial role within the organization. This intuitive layout enables employees to access the information they need without unnecessary guesswork. The software makes it easier to understand each person’s responsibilities. This saves time on training and reduces HR questions. The result is a big increase in productivity, as employees can focus on their main tasks with a clear understanding of their jobs and the tools they have. This clarity extends to all levels of the organization, ensuring that everyone from the C-suite to the front lines is aligned and working towards common goals.

How to set up security roles in Dynamics 365

3) Boost sales and improve vustomer dervice with the most powerful ERP on the market

In a very competitive market, it’s important to stand out from the competition. You need a strong plan, but you also need a customer-focused approach that uses technology to its fullest. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central equips your business with the tools needed to enhance client relations and boost sales. Microsoft Dynamics CRM, integrated within the broader Microsoft Dynamics 365 ecosystem, enhances customer insights and improves customer engagement through effective data analysis and personalized communications. The software includes features that regularly monitor sales cycles, helping you prioritize customers based on their purchasing interests and history. By keeping a close eye on your customer interactions, you can avoid issues such as unpaid invoices, outstanding balances, and bad debts, which can erode profitability. Business Central also has customer relationship management (CRM) features. This lets you keep track of how customers interact with your company. This helps you make sure your sales strategies are always in line with what customers need and want.

4)The ultimate Cloud solution for budget and project management

In the business world, controlling time and money are the two pillars of success. Business intelligence is important for data analysis and making decisions. It helps businesses run more efficiently and engage customers by giving them useful information and reporting. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is the ultimate tool for quantifying and qualifying every aspect of your project management operations. By centralizing your company’s many moving parts—and sharing this information judiciously with the employees who need it—your business becomes more productive and profitable. The ERP of Microsoft Dynamics has many features that include budgeting, scheduling, managing money, and managing tasks. All of these features work together smoothly and stay up-to-date because they are all in the Microsoft Cloud. With the ERP from Microsoft Dynamics, you can measure and analyze your business’s performance. You can also improve its processes to make them work best for you and your company. This interconnectedness ensures that your financial data, project timelines, and resource allocations are always in sync, enabling you to make informed decisions quickly and confidently.

Move to Cloud with Dynamics 365 Business Central

5) Optimize your supply chain like never before

Supply chain management is often one of the most complex and challenging aspects of running a business. Effective inventory management is crucial for businesses, particularly in sectors such as manufacturing and distribution, to optimize operations and ensure real-time data access. Backorders, inventory discrepancies, and inefficient warehouse management can lead to significant disruptions. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central addresses these issues head-on by providing robust tools for optimizing your supply chain. The software allows you to maintain a constant and robust supply chain by offering purchasing alternatives and improving your production planning. Additionally, it enables better use of warehouse space, reducing overhead costs and minimizing the risk of stockouts. The ERP of Microsoft Dynamics lets you see what’s in stock, what’s happening with orders, and how your suppliers are doing. This helps you plan and respond to supply chain problems, so your operations run smoothly and efficiently.

6) Manage your operations anytime, anywhere

In today’s world where work is done from anywhere, it’s no longer a luxury to be able to manage your business from anywhere. It’s a need. Microsoft Dynamics ERP is made for small and medium-sized businesses. It is affordable, can grow, and has many applications to manage important operations. Microsoft Dynamics ERP is designed for freedom of movement, offering robust ERP capabilities that are accessible both on-site and from the Cloud. This means that telecommuting is more accessible than ever before, allowing your employees to stay productive regardless of their location. It doesn’t matter what device your employees use or where they connect; they all have access to the same tools as if they were sitting in your office. This level of accessibility also applies to important areas like customer service and the supply chain. This ensures that your operations stay efficient and responsive, no matter where you are. By using Power BI, you can get useful information about how remote work patterns affect productivity. This information can help you make decisions based on data that improve remote workflows.

7) Microsoft Dynamics 365 ERP grows with you

As your business evolves and grows, so too do your operational needs. The ERP of Microsoft Dynamics is a scalable solution that follows the trajectory of your business plan and the learning curve of your human resources. Microsoft Dynamics NAV, which was before Dynamics 365, has been added to this new ERP solution. This shows how important it is for businesses that want to make their ERP systems more customizable and complete. As your operations expand, simply add the extensions and applications you need to get where you need to go. Whether you’re starting new products, entering new markets, or growing your business, this ERP can adapt to your activities and the size of your team. This scalability ensures that your ERP solution remains a valuable asset at every stage of your business journey, from startup to enterprise.

8) Security is a top priority

In today’s digital age, data security is paramount. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems like Microsoft Dynamics 365 ERP offer functionalities for managing operations, customer interactions, and data-driven insights. As an employer, your top priority is to make sure your employees work in a safe place. This includes protecting your operations and customer data. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central takes data security very seriously. You can set up different security roles and responsibilities for each employee. This ensures that sensitive information is only accessible to those who need it, safeguarding your business against internal and external threats. The ERP from Microsoft Dynamics also follows many data protection rules, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which is required in many countries. This compliance not only protects your company from legal problems but also builds trust with your customers. They can be sure that their data is being handled well.

9) Always stay up to date

Technology is constantly evolving, and so are the needs of your business. Microsoft Dynamics 365 ERP ensures that your ERP software remains up to date with automatic updates and extension developments. Dynamics ERP solutions, such as Microsoft Dynamics 365, offer comprehensive features, competitive pricing, and robust capabilities for various industries, including manufacturing and distribution. Regardless of the customization level of your extensions, the Microsoft team keeps everyone updated quickly and transparently. This commitment to smooth updates also includes important areas, like customer service and the supply chain. This ensures that these important parts of your business keep up with the changing world. After all, updates should accelerate growth, not slow down productivity. By using tools like Power BI, you can see how changes to your operations affect your business. This helps you make smart decisions that improve both efficiency and customer satisfaction.

10) Unlock the power of cloud insights

In the age of big data, having access to actionable insights can provide a significant competitive advantage. ERP systems like Microsoft Dynamics 365 help businesses manage their operations in many ways and at different sizes. This makes them a popular choice for small and medium-sized companies. Microsoft Dynamics 365 ERP gives you that edge with its integration of AI and machine learning capabilities. By harnessing the power of the Cloud, you can gain valuable insights into your business’s performance, helping you make more informed decisions. For example, with a Power BI license, you can forecast sales, analyze financial data, and identify trends that can inform your strategic planning. Whether you’re looking for promotional ideas based on financial forecasts or need to track key performance indicators (KPIs), Business Central’s Cloud Insights make it easy to add value to all your transactions.

11) Enjoy seamless integration across all microsoft products

One of the most significant advantages of Microsoft Dynamics 365 ERP is its native integration with other Microsoft products. The Microsoft Dynamics ERP solution offers a comprehensive range of services and products available within the Microsoft Dynamics 365 suite. Whether you’re using Office 365, Power BI, or any other tool in the Microsoft ecosystem, this ERP seamlessly integrates with them all. This native integration means that your data flows effortlessly between applications, creating a unified and cohesive workflow. This level of integration is especially helpful for businesses that use many software solutions to manage their operations. It avoids the need for complicated and costly custom integrations. The result is a more efficient and streamlined operation, with less time spent on manual data entry and more time focused on growing your business.

12) Access a world of partner applications

Lastly, one of the unique strengths of the Microsoft Dynamics 365 ERP system is its access to a vast array of partner applications through the Microsoft Azure portal. Developers from around the world contribute to one of the largest collaborative platforms for IT solutions ever created. This means that regardless of your business’s specific needs or challenges, you’re likely to find a partner application that addresses them within the ecosystem. Whether you need specialized tools for industry-specific challenges or advanced functionalities that extend beyond the standard ERP features, the Microsoft partner network has you covered. This extensive ecosystem ensures that your ERP solution remains flexible and adaptable, capable of evolving alongside your business needs.

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Explore Appsource: Find the perfect apps to boost Business Central


Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is more than just an ERP solution. It’s a complete platform that lets businesses control all parts of their operations. Business Central offers the tools and capabilities you need to succeed in today’s competitive business environment. It offers financial management, supply chain optimization, customer service improvement, data security, and more. This is why Business Central is a smart choice for any business looking to future-proof its operations. By letting Gestisoft handle the installation of your ERP software, our ERP and CRM experts can help you make the best plan for your operations. Contact us today to learn how we can help!

Unlock the full potential of Business Central

Ready to take advantage of everything Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central has to offer? Get in touch with our experts today to explore how we can customize this ERP solution to streamline your operations, enhance your supply chain, and drive your business growth. Let's optimize your journey to success!

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10 mars 2023 par Frédéric Charest Vice-Président Marketing

Spécialiste du marketing de croissance axé sur les données et passionné par le référencement, j'obtiens des résultats grâce à l'analyse et à l'optimisation.